On Demand

Psalm 86

Pastor Jeremy Rush

July 9, 2023


Psalm 84

Pastor Chip Bernhard

July 2, 2023


Amerifest 2023 w/ Guest speaker Chad Williams

June 25, 2023

Join us for our 11AM service as we thank God for the freedoms we enjoy in our nation. We will ask His hand of guidance on our elected leaders, and we will honor every Veteran in attendance for the sacrifice they have made for our country.


Psalm 78

Pastor Chip Bernhard

June 20, 2023

Unleash the power of parenting! This sermon dives deep into the spiritual circle of life, urging parents, both mothers and fathers, to rise up and become dynamic forces in shaping a generation of spiritually flourishing children. Through the lens of Psalm 78, the sermon unveils the incredible potential of the family unit as God's greatest invention, emphasizing the vital role of teaching children about God's greatness, instilling the Word within them, nurturing unwavering trust in God, and guiding them towards a life of obedient faith. Join the movement of raising a generation that thrives in God's love and transforms society!


Psalm 75

Pastor Chip Bernhard

June 11, 2023

Look at life through the lens of who God is, not through hard circumstances. Asaph's worldview of God's control transformed his attitude. Despite the wicked seemingly winning, he praised God. Many believe in God but live as if He doesn't exist. God's judgment is inevitable, and Jesus drank the cup of God's wrath for us. Trust in God's faithfulness and proclaim His greatness every day to all people.


Psalm 73

Pastor Chip Bernhard

June 4, 2023

In today's message from Pastor Chip, we explored Psalm 73 and learned from Asaph's struggle with disappointment, and despair. Let us remember that God is good, even when we face challenges and find it hard to understand the world around us. In times of doubt, may we seek refuge in God's strength, trusting His guidance to carry us through turbulent times. #GodIsGood


Daniel 6

Pastor Chip Bernhard

May 28, 2023

Join us for a powerful message titled "A View from the Den" based on Daniel 6. In this well-known biblical story, Daniel's faith and resolve in the face of spiritual hostility and trials inspire us today. Discover the secrets of Daniel's success and how he thrived in a spiritually challenging environment. As Christians, we live in a world where compromising our faith is a daily temptation. Daniel's unwavering trust in God and his commitment to prayer teach us valuable lessons. Remember, our faith is not a guarantee of an easy road, but rather a resolve to faithfully walk the path set before us.


Daniel 5

Pastor Chip Bernhard

May 21, 2023

Listen as Pastor Chip talked about how liberal scholars once questioned the truth of the Bible and dismissed certain stories as mere moral teachings. They even claimed that Daniel Chapter 5, specifically the existence of King Belshazzar, was a fabrication. But guess what? Recent archaeological discoveries have proven them wrong! This is a powerful reminder that God's word is true, regardless of what some scholars may say. We can trust the Bible and its historical accuracy.
Pastor Chip emphasized three key lessons from Daniel Chapter 5. Firstly, God's word remains trustworthy, even if archaeological evidence hasn't caught up yet. Secondly, the story of King Belshazzar's arrogance and subsequent judgment reminds us of the consequences of defying God. Lastly, the sermon warned about the moral decline in our society, drawing parallels with past civilizations that decayed from within. We shouldn't let skepticism or cultural pressures undermine our faith. The truth of God's word endures, and as the sermon encouraged, we should hold onto it firmly. Be respectful but BOLD.


The Creekers 2023

May 21, 2023


Daniel 4

Pastor Chip Bernhard

May 14, 2023

Join us as we dive into Daniel 4, where Nebuchadnezzar's journey from pride to humility unfolds. In a world that has lost its way and doesn't acknowledge God, Daniel serves as a role model for navigating such a culture. The sermon reminds us that pride is the root of all sin and that true salvation comes from humbling ourselves before God.
