About Us


 A group of musicians and singers lead worship on a stage illuminated by purple and white lights, with a large glowing cross in the background

Our Mission is to honor God by producing fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ

We believe that everybody matters to God. No matter where you've been, no matter what you've done, no matter what has been done to you, God loves you as you are and wants to transform you into someone who is fully-devoted to Him. Spring Creek has been on this mission for over 140 years.  

Our message is the great love that was demonstrated by God in sending Jesus to meet us right where we are. He gave up His life by dying on the cross to pay the debt of sin; a debt we couldn't pay ourselves. Not through works and not through good deeds. This is the best news you'll ever hear! And because of this incredible gift of grace, Spring Creek Church seeks to help people be transformed by meeting, knowing, and following Jesus.

Our Vision

To boldly proclaim the gospel to every generation because Jesus changes everything.

In 2021, we layed out a brand new 5-year vision...a clear and compelling way of telling everyone the desired change we want and how we can work together to accomplish it. To produce fully devoted followers we must be a people who BOLDLY PROCLAIM.

Vision encourages unity, creates energy, provides purpose, fosters risk taking, enhances leadership, promotes excellence and sustains ministry. It is God's call on where it wants a church to go. And we believe that tirelessly proclaiming the gospel to every generation is what God has for Spring Creek Church.

So how will we do it?

We will:

Welcome warmly | Disciple diligently | Worship sincerely | Serve faithfully | Give generously | Reach locally and globally | Think biblically | Live gracefully | Grow relationally | Build strategically

A group of four young children raise their arms enthusiastically in a lively classroom.


Core Values are the guardrails that keep a church focused on its mission. They show how we function, what gets us excited, what we honestly care about and the language that we want to speak. Our desire is for this list to stir people's souls and lead us on a journey of excellence and commitment. 



More About Us

A black and white photo of a crowded church. People are seated in pews, and a choir is standing and singing on stage.

Over 140 years 

For the past 140 years God has shown Himself faithful to this church. While the name, the buildings, the strategies and the pastors have changed, one thing has not – the commitment to teaching and living God’s Word. We pray that God will continue to use Spring Creek Church so that people will grow to know and love Jesus.



A pastor embraces a man in anticipation of baptising him.

About Memberhip 

Here at Spring Creek Church we seek to follow the Biblical pattern of believers committed to Christ and to each other through the local church. Becoming a member at Spring Creek Church connects you at deeper level to the care network of the church and opens up greater opportunities for ministry. 



A girl takes notes and studies in her Bible while surrounded by others who do the same.

What we believe

We believe that the scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are the inspired word of God without error in the original writings, the complete revelation of His will for the salvation of men, and the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:20-21).