Little Kids Christmas Singing



The Little Creeker 3 and 4 year olds and the Kindergarten/First grade classes will be singing two Christmas songs in both of the adult Worship service on December 3rd.  Please plan for your child to participate in both services. The classes will be singing early in the service and children may be picked up in the classroom after the second service. Please help us and DO NOT attempt to pick up your children in the hallway. This only adds to an already challenging process of moving up to 100 small children from the Children's wing to the sanctuary.

Have your kids wear Christmas colors (reds and greens)

REHEARSAL: Please also plan to have your child attend the rehearsal on Saturday December 2nd in the Sanctuary from 12:00-1:00pm(NEW this year- your kids will get their naps.... You're welcome) You may come directly to the sanctuary. We will rehearse entering the sanctuary, getting situated on the platform, singing our songs, and exiting the platform. As you might imagine this can be a challenging process so please come to rehearsal.

Children are learning the songs on Sunday morning during KidsCreek. Some simple motions will go along with the singing. The song lyrics and music are available above for you to listen and learn at home. Please spend some time at home learning the songs. Practice practice!

3s and 4s Songs

Christmas Bells

The Angels Sing

Kindergarten and 1st Grade Songs

Christmas Medley

Oh What a Special Night


We are going to have many wonderful Christmas celebrations at Spring Creek. I hope you will be a part of this one!


- Pastor Jason Hand